The Best Gift I Ever Got

Note: This has been taken from my quarterly newsletter which was published last year. This is an excerpt from the March 2023 Newsletter. Relationships Intensive continues to become an important part of my life and self-growth, if you’re interested to learn more, please reach out to me on here or any of my socials!


Hello friend!

We did it!! We’ve made it to the first day of spring!  …and it’s raining. At least here in England it is. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way! I know it’s what will bring the green leaves & flowers I love so much. 

On this beautiful, rainy day…

On the first day of my favourite season…

I want to share about- 

The Three Best Gifts I’ve Ever Received

#1  You know when you’re a child and you’re asked “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer was always the same- a doctor. And I meant that- at 5, at 13, even at 21. I wanted to be a doctor. When I was 5, I got a Fisher-Price doctors kit for Christmas. I don't really remember much more, except that I never forgot about it. As far as I know, there aren't any photos of me with it, but I know I loved it because I never forgot it. 

#2  Those of you who live in states will know this, but for those who don’t- after the Super Bowl the winning team get asked “Now that you’ve won the Super Bowl, what are you doing to do?” and the person holding the massive trophy says, “We’re going to Disneyland!” So considering that this past Christmas was our first non-covid Christmas, we had to ask ourselves (John and I), “Now that you're not having to abide by Covid restrictions, what are you going to do?” Yep! We went to Disneyland!!!! At the bottom of this email is a link to the blog post. 

#3  2023 is bringing on a lot of change for me. Good change. Well, isn’t all change, in it’s own way, good change? Coming out of a global pandemic really helped to bring clarity to look at how I was living my life. Asking questions like- whom I spending my time with? What did I truly value? Where am I sleepwalking through life?

A good friend of mine invited me to attend a weekend conference called “Relationships Intensive with Anna Garcia”. She’s a group life coach who aims to help women with their relationships (work, romantic, etc) by guiding them through the most important relationship of all-the one with yourself. 

It is perhaps the best gift I have ever received in my life. Why? Well, I'll have to share that in another email or blog post because I'm still working through it. Off the top of my head- let me ask you this... if someone said you could live a life with conviction and pursuit and learn to be so deep in your truth, in who you are, that you become unshakeable EVEN during a pandemic, EVEN when life throws it's punches (and you know they do)- wouldn't you say yes? 

Btw, I'm in this photo- can you spot me?

The journey to the longest day of the year starts now! But for now, let’s take a moment to see just how beautiful the earth can be when it laughs in flowers. 


xoxo, Kat


It’s Been A Year - Uvalde, Texas


OOTD - The Winter Edition